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Love Loud, Love Proud: A Deep Look at LGBTQ+ Fiction

What has been the impact of the LGBTQ+ movement on literature then and now, and why is this so important for young readers all over the world? This Pride Month, we're here to talk about that as we look back on the Creatinuum Podcast episode "Love Wins: LGBT Fiction and Its Growth."

"Love is love is love is love . . . cannot be killed or swept aside." So said theater heavyweight Lin-Manuel Miranda in his acceptance speech for Best Score at the 2016 Tony Awards. No greater sentiment rings bright and true among the LGBTQ+ community, who have not only fought to defend themselves against the prejudices of hetero-normative society for decades but also shared in and created art that resonates with their experiences, including literature.

Indeed, LGBTQ+ fiction is a genre that has undergone so much development in such a short period, in terms of both new titles from various authors and growing popularity. One can say that the booming emergence of LGBTQ+ titles in the public eye mirrors the experience of a queer individual ready to come out of their shell: from hidden to fully visible, seen, and rejoicing in their newfound visibility as they are folded into the welcoming embrace of a loving community.

In terms of films catering to the LGBTQ+ crowd, these have undergone the same journey. When not too long ago, people had to search high and low for movies that truly reflected (rather than mocked) the lives and hardships of LGBTQ+ individuals and relationships (say, obscure indie films), nowadays, streaming service giants reserve a whole category of films and series created by and catering to queer artists and people, for all audiences to see.

This also goes for how LGBTQ+ characters are portrayed in mainstream media. Gone are the days when gay, lesbian, trans, and nonbinary characters were only good for serving supporting roles, relegated to the background so that the straight, cisgender couple could bask in (and often hog) the spotlight. Now several titles abound with LGBTQ+ characters in the protagonist role, creating hope for and instilling validation among individuals who wish to see these characters center stage rather than as mere extras.

Just as noteworthy and worth celebrating is the fact that more and more of these titles sport light and hopeful stories rather than heavy and tragic narratives for these LGBTQ+ characters, all without taking away from the gravity of serious topics that merit discussion and awareness. We can safely say that the "bury your gays" trope, wherein one person (or both people) in a queer relationship dies for the sake of "plot," is becoming less and less popular in media today.

Furthermore, regarding the types of audiences to which LGBTQ+ fiction is addressed nowadays, it is both uplifting and enlightening to see how such stories resonate with young readers who are still on their own respective paths to self-discovery. It just goes to show how media featuring LGBTQ+ characters has far outgrown its stereotype of catering to "more mature" consumers because "only adults can handle this sort of content." In fact, many children's books have been published with LGBTQ+ characters, such as a same-sex couple (two mothers or two fathers) raising a child.

So what does the future look like for LGBTQ+ fiction? We believe it to be a hopeful one—where more encouraging stories about love and acceptance are told in place of jaded, hopeless tragedies, where both young and old people can both consume and create LGBTQ+ media without fear of being judged or ostracized. As more books are written, more films and series are made, and more stories are shared with the LGBTQ+ community's well-being in mind, we would even hazard to say that the world is well on its way to becoming a better place to live in, where anyone, regardless of gender or sexuality, can love loud and love proud.

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